
Java Fundamentals - July 2024

Credits 12 credits
Java Fundamentals - July 2024 Enroll


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  • Git and GitHub

    1. Software Configuration Management and Source
    Control Systems
    - Vocabulary: Clone a Repo, Commit a Changeset, Push
    the Changes, Pull Changes, Merge Changes
    2. Introduction to Git
    - Working with git, Git Bash, and TortoiseGit
    3. Introduction to GitHub
    - Create


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  • Language Comparison

    1. Execution Model
    2. Variables
    3. Data Types
    4. Printing on the Console
    5. Conditional Statements
    6. Loops
    7. Development Environments (IDE)


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  • Basic Syntax, Conditional Statements and Loops

    1. Basic Syntax and First Steps
    2. Conditional Statements
    - if, elif, else
    - indentation
    - and, or
    3. Loops


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  • Data types and Variables

    1. Data Types and Variables
    2. Integer and Real Number Type
    3. Type Conversion
    4. Boolean Type
    5. Character and String Type

    Soft Skill 2 - Өсөлтөд сэтгэлгээ 


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  • HTTP Basics & HTML and CSS Basics

    1. The HTTP Protocol – Basic Concepts
    2. HTTP Developer Tools
    3. HTML Forms
    4. HTTP Request
    5. HTTP Response
    6. URLs and URL Structure
    7. What is HTML?
    - HTML Page
    - HTML Developer Elements
    8. HTML Common Elements
    - Headings, Paragraphs, Hyperlinks, Images
    - Ordered and Unordered Lists
    9. What is CSS?
    - External, Internal and Inline CSS Style


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  • Arrays

    1. Arrays
    2. Reading Arrays from the Console
    3. Foreach Loop


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  • Software Development Concepts part 1

    1. The 4 Skills of the Software Engineers
    2. Fundamental Software Engineering Concepts
    - Math Concepts in Software Development
    - Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    - Functional Programming (FP)
    - Data Structures and Algorithms
    - Component-Based Development and - Event Driven Programming
    3. Software Architectures, Front-End and Back-End


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  • Software Development Concepts part 2

    1. Front-End Development Concepts
    - Web Front-End and DOM
    - AJAX and RESTful APIs
    - Templating Engines
    - Routing and Routing Libraries
    - Libraries vs. Frameworks
    - UI Frameworks
    - Mobile Apps


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  • Methods

    1. What Is a Method?
    2. Naming and Best Practices
    3. Declaring and Invoking Methods
    - Void and Return Type Methods
    4. Methods with Parameters
    5. Value vs. Reference Types
    6. Overloading Methods
    7. Program Execution Flow


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  • Lists

    1. List Definition and Usage
    2. Storing Data
    3. Creating Lists
    4. Accessing Elements
    5. List Manipulations
    6. Looping through Lists
    7. Searching in Lists


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  • Exam preparation

    Шалгалтын бэлтгэл хичээл. 


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  • Objects and Classes

    1. Lists Overview
    2. List Manipulating
    3. Reading Lists from the Console
    4. Sorting Lists and Arrays

    Soft Skill 3 - Өндөр бүтээмжтэй багаар ажиллах нь


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  • Bitwise Operations

    1. What is a Bit, Byte, KB, MB?
    2. Numerals Systems
    - Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal
    - Conversion between Numeral Systems
    3. Representation of Data in Computer Memory
    - Representing Integers, Real Numbers and Text
    4. Bitwise Operations: &, I, ^, ~
    - Reading / Writing Bits from Integers


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  • Associative Arrays (Maps)

    1. Associative Arrays
    - HashMap <key, value>
    - LinkedHashMap <key, value>
    - TreeMap <key, value>
    2. Lambda
    3. Stream API
    - Filtering
    - Mapping
    - Ordering


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  • Problem Solving

    1. The Fundamental Skills of Software Engineers
    2. Problems: Definition and Problem Solving
    3. Solving Exam Problems: Tips and Best Practices
    4. Sample Exam Problems


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  • Text Processing and Regular Expressions

    1. What Is a String?
    2. Manipulating Strings
    3. Building and Modifying Strings
    - Using StringBuilder Class
    - Why Concatenation Is a Slow Operation? 4. 
    Regular Expressions Syntax
    - Definition and Pattern
    - Predefined Character Classes
    5. Quantifiers and Grouping
    6. Backreferences
    7. Regular Expressions in Java

    Soft Skill 4 - Үр дүнтэй харилцаа


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  • Database Basics

    1. Databases: Introduction
    2. SQL vs. NoSQL Databases
    3. DBMS Systems (Database Engines)
    4. Relational Databases, SQL and MySQL Database
    5. NoSQL Databases and MongoDB


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  • QA Introduction

    1. Software Quality Assurance: Introduction
    2. QA Engineers and Responsibilities
    3. Bugs and Bug Trackers
    4. Testing, Test Types and Test Levels
    5. Test Automation, Frameworks and Tools
    6. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery 

    Soft Skill 5 - Хувийн бүтээмж


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  • Basic Web Project

    1. Model-View Controller (MVC)
    2. Spring MVC
    - Annotations
    - Controllers
    - Processing Requests
    3. Thymeleaf View Engine


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  • Exam preparation

    Шалгалтын бэлтгэл хичээл. 


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Java Fundamentals - July 2024

Start date: 16 долоодугаар сар 2024
6 weeks
12 credits
Java Fundamentals - July 2024 Enroll
Java Fundamentals - July 2024